As I mentioned in my last post, I"m not feeling the cooking thing right now. However, I still have to eat. I also have friends expressing an interest in being vegetarian. It's hard when you first start out, because without meat you basically have lost your "base" beginning point. So I'll be starting a series on fast easy things to make that don't require a lot of cooking.
I'd also like to say that all of my ingredients are organic. I don't know who decided that dousing plants with poison and then eating them was a good idea, but I disagree. I also don't know who thought that injecting fish dna into tomatoes was brilliant, but I couldn't disagree more. In case you didn't know, only certified organics are GMO free. (GMO meaning Genetically Modified Organism). There is a wealth of information out there about the risks of GMO's. For starters I'll tell you that 3rd generation mice fed GMO's had babies born with hair on their tongues. Also the genetically modified plants are spreading into the world as we speak and altering the landscape. They are virtually impossible to destroy and take over fields of regular plants.
The FDA is virtually useless. They do not require labeling in the U.S. So unless you are buying organic, you are eating GMO food.
If you want to educate yourself about what you are putting into your body 3 or more times a day, I highly recommend beginning with the film "Food Inc." It's a great jumping off place and you will know more about your food in two hours than I could tell you in weeks.
I sincerely believe that we could virtually erase cancer, diabetes, infertility, and many other conditions by paying attention to what we eat and insisting on GMO labeling and eating only organic. But where would that leave Big Pharma? Just a thought.
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